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I May Not Be Perfect But there’s lots of me that’s Pretty Awesome!

My mom has passed the baton of blogging on to me! My first reaction was how can I ever do this as she is the expert! Then as she has always done she reminded me there are lots of me that are pretty awesome. These include the parts that matter when I’m in relation with my child, my family and everyday people around me. So it stuck and the torch was passed on to me and I finally saw how much parenting I have already done with her 1st granddaughter! Now I may not be perfect, because we can all make mistakes, but there are parts of me that are pretty awesome and I am looking forward to sharing those stories with you on this blog.

What’s awesome about this Mom?

All moms, dads, grandparents and other caretakers become bogged down from time to time when trying to develop the characters of little children. The key is to remain focused and grounded. Remember the things you are good at and find a way to use those strengths to champion your parenting. You may not be perfect but parts of you are pretty awesome. Use these awesome parts to bring out the best in your children.

Honestly, I have been using the SHINE technique from Dr Eleanor’s parenting book I Like Me with her granddaughter. The outcomes are amazing when you put them together as well as when you simply increase your skill in one area at a time. This book lays out simple steps to use and help you to see where you may not be perfect (smile) but also the parts of you that are pretty awesome. We started a few workshops for parents and caretakers and facilitating these have been so enlightening; to see parents and children grow in positive ways.

I’ve always been the social advocate. I have participated in all activities that I could to speak or present on behalf of those that I felt were not able to speak up for themselves. This means lots of research, lots of rallies, lots of letters, lots of stuffing envelopes. Also lots of presentations and tons and tons of writing! So coming to this blog seems like the most natural next step in writing where I get to write to you about all the things that I believe will enrich lives. I want to write about all the learning I have gained along my way so far.

I am in my thirties so not so ancient! So I get to acknowledge that there are parts of me that are not perfect but I also get to share with you those parts that I and Dr Eleanor’s granddaughter think are pretty awesome!

Please keep reading and be sure to respond with the parts of you that are pretty awesome! Glad to meet you!

from Gabrielle

Indian Makeup and Beauty Blog is the source of this picture.

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